How to Sand a Car Before Painting – Details Process

How to Sand a Car Before Painting

Sanding a car is nothing but to prepare the surface of that specific part for the painting. Sanding the car is very important for the paint that will be good and sticky. The paint should not be removed from that surface of the car.

The sanding of the car is very important for the better life of the paint. Sanding of the car helps in removing the unwanted particles from the surface. The surface of the car should be ready enough to grip the primer and the paint properly.

For a better outcome, the painting of the car should be shiny and perfectly organized. The sanding of the car must do perfectly, and maximum time should be spending on sanding.

There are different types of sandpaper available in the market, which helps in doing the job perfectly.

This sandpaper can be used for cars which faced an accident and are damaged. This sanding helps in removing the dents of the car. There are many other things which you should need to know and discussed below, so read it carefully.

Advantages of Sanding:

Advantages of Sanding
Sanding benefit

There are a lot of advantages to sanding the car before the painting. It is very important in the detailing industry.
For advance finishing, the sanding should be done perfectly. Otherwise, the risk of damaging the painting will also be increasing. Some of the advantages are discussed below:

1) Recover Minor Damage:

Recover Minor Damage
Minor Damage

One of the most important advantages of the sanding is removing the minor damages which are in the body of the car. The sanding technique is used in such a case so that the painting of the car can also be done perfectly.
By removing the little scratches, the surface of the car will look smooth and shiny. The painting will also be easy and give a better outcome.

2) Repair Deep Scratches:

Repair Deep Scratches
Deep Scratches

In our daily life, the car can be faced many small accidents in which a lot of dents and deep scratches occur in the car.

The sanding is the best thing that is used in repairing those scratches. The sanding can be done on the new vehicle, which is having a dent in it.

This sanding is also very important for the industry, which has an auto paint. There are many things which are not good for the better painting, but with the help of sending those damages can be recovered perfectly.

3) Touch-ups for Polishing:

Touch-ups for Polishing

The sanding is also useful in the level of touch-ups for the paint of the car. By doing this sanding, the polishing of the car will also be easy and cause in looks the paint of the car shinier. A person who is an expert in the field of sanding must do this job.

An inexperienced person will not recover the dent and damage but cause in making this worse. This will make the paint of the car permanently damaged.

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How to Sand a Car:

How to Sand a Car
Sand a Car

Many steps help in performing the task of sanding a car perfectly. Some of the main steps which should be considered when you sand a car are mentioned below:

1) Clear the Surface:

Clear the Surface
Surface clearing

Firstly, you should need to clean the area around the car, and there should be a proper workshop for the painting. You should not paint the car under the tree or an open area so that no dust makes the performance worse.

You should clean the surface of the car so that sanding can be done perfectly. Any amount of grease or oil and obstacle will cause in make the sanding harder.

One of the best ways of cleaning the car properly washes the car so that all the dust and other thing remove from the surface, which makes the job difficult.

It is preferable to take off the small components of the car from the outer body, such as mirrors, headlights, and other things. These things cause in making the sanding more difficult.

All the things which can be removed from the car should remove for better results and improving the efficiency.
On the other parts of the car, which is no need to paint should cover with the abrasion-resistant sheet. This sheet will prevent those parts of the body from being painted.

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2) Recover the Scratches:

Recover the Scratches
Recover Scratches

The second step is to remove all scratches and the dents which are present on the outer body of the car.

You can use the filter to remove the dents and scratches, but make sure that these filters are adhesive and perform the job perfectly.

If the parts of the car are made of plastic, then the dents can be removed with the help of boiling water. On the other hand, you can also use the vacuum cleaner for removing the scratches and dents.

3) Sanding the Car:

Sanding the Car
Car Sanding

The third step is to perform the sand the car with the help of a sand machine or the sandpaper. Until now, the outer surface of the car is excellent and ready to sand. Use the sand machine with the pattern for a better outcome.

You must smooth the topcoat firstly and then the basecoat. This is all done with the help of the sand of smooth circular motion. The motion does not have to be very slow or very fast, but at a moderate rate.

Sanding the car with the help of a sand machine will cause in remaining the corners of the body to be not sanded. So, for the corners, you must use the sandpaper for a better outcome. This will take a lot of time than the sand machine, but the output will be good.

After this, you must change the disc of the sanding machine for the more delicate surface. This will cause removing the scratches from the body of the car, which is due to the disc we used before. This will make the surface smoother and cause an increase in the efficiency of sanding.

4) Finishing:

Finishing of car sanding
Sanding finishing

In the last, you must prefer the removal of the previous paint from the body and install the new paint. The primer should be low enough to the bare metal. This action will make more adhesion, and the quality of the paint will be high.

The purpose of sanding is not only to clean the surface of the car form the dust and the other particles but also to make the surface stickier and more griper for the painting.

This part is very important for the whole sanding because the smoother surface will make the painting more attractive and adhesive. An experienced person is preferable for this job because otherwise, the whole sanding will be damage.

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How Much Time Required for Sanding?

How Much Time Required for Sanding
Time Required for Sanding

The time required for the sanding of the car depends upon the type of paint and the energy of the sanding person.
Mostly, sanding is performed by using the coarse 40 grit paper. This method of sanding will be required approximately 15-20 minutes.

This sanding time can be reduced by using the waterproof sandpaper placed on the piece of wood of around 4-5 inches. Use the small amount of water in sanding the car, which helps in better performance.

You must be assured that the surrounding surface of that area also is flat, and there are no scratches on the surface.
The use of coarse 40 grit paper will cause in making some scratches. So, try to reduce those and make the whole surface clean.

The time required for the whole body of the car to be painted 40-60 hours on average. This time can be an increase or decrease depending upon the many factors such as weather and the sanding and panting person.

The more the sanding is performed well, the more will be the paint look great and sticker.

Final Thoughts:

In the end, you don’t have to worry about sanding the car because all the information which is required to perform this job is mentioned above. All you just need to know is read the instructions carefully and follow the steps.

Sanding of the car is very important for the better painting of the car. The more the sanding will be flat and good more it will sticky for the paint and the increase the efficiency.

The better sanding requires that the sandpaper or the sanding machine should be in good condition. The person who is performing the sanding must be experienced. If you try to do this at home on your own, then there is a chance that you will make this worse.

If the wrong person tries to sand than the painting of the car never be sticky and cause massive loss, this step is very important and requires full attention. This sanding is used for the part of the car, which has dents in it.

Many techniques help in recovering the dents from the car. After removing the dents, you can apply the sanding and, after making the surface flat, then install the paint on the body of the car. This will make the car more attractive.

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