Bad Throwout Bearing Symptoms – Tips To Prevent It

Bad Throwout Bearing Symptoms

Car maintenance is really the talk of the day with most of the people from the lower middle class to further up in the hierarchy possessing one.

It is pretty helpful to know about how the machine internally functions to better understand the issues that it might face. A car engine works in collaboration with the transmission system while it is running.

Throwout Bearings

Throwout Bearings
Throwout Bearings

Throwout bearings are an important part of car transmission, and they disconnect the engine while the gear is being changed. They are a vital part of a car’s functioning, and without them, it would not be possible to change gears.

Throwout bearing works in collaboration with flywheel, clutch plate, and the gearbox. When you depress the clutch pedal, the pressure plate disengages with the spring with its pressure fingers and pushes against it. This results in plate disconnecting from the engine, and gears can change.

Throwout bearing plays an important part in depressing the clutch, and a fault in its function can result in many problems, including failure of engine transmission rendering to halt of functioning.

Bad Throwout Systems

Bad Throwout Systems
Bad Throwout Systems

You need to be aware of when your gear system is going towards misfunction and what actions can result in faults in the systems.

The throwout bearing is affected If the gear pedal is depressed for a long amount of time. Resting foot on the pedal for longer periods can also result in the same dilemma.

One should not depress a clutch for a long time. It is better to convert to neutral if you plan on stopping for some time. Besides this, other reasons such as aging can also result in weary throw out bearings resulting in misfunctioning.

Symptoms of Bad Throwout Bearings

Symptoms of Bad Throwout Bearings
Bad Throwout Bearings Symptoms

One should totally be looking out for the symptoms of the bad throw out system. Neglect can result in bigger problems afterward.

It is always said that seldom practiced that “care is better than care.” Only if more people would have paid heed to this advice, we’d have fewer problems to deal with.

The fact that you have actually opened the link and are reading means you are interested more in the care than in the cure. Let’s tell you about indications telling you should have your car checked for a faulty throwout bearing system.

Strange Noise when pressing the Clutch

Strange Noise when pressing the Clutch
Noise after pressing clutch

This is one of the most common symptoms of a bad throwout bearing. If you depress the clutch and hear a strange grinding-like noise from the interior of your car, it might there’s something wrong with the throwout bearing.

The noise could be sharp and rattling sometimes. If you hear such noises from the car transmission system, you’d better get your car checked by some professional.

The noise is mainly due to the bearings wearing out and losing material with time. This means there will be unusual friction, which results in sound energy.

Trouble in changing gears

If you are facing problems while changing the gears, there is a possibility that your transmission system has an error, and there is a great chance that it could be throw out bearing since it plays a major part in gear shifting.

If you can’t change gears, you cannot drive the vehicle, so it is important that you have close eyes towards this mis-functionality so that you can handle it in time.

The problem could be a bad bearing which cannot do function properly. However, this is not the first problem which you should be looking for while having the issue in discussion.

Hard to Press Clutch Pedal

Hard to Press Clutch Pedal
Clutch Pedal got hard

The throwout bearing is linked with the clutch pedal and works with it in order to aid the gear changing. If the throwout bearing is not working properly, the clutch pedal might also show some abnormalities.

Like all bearings, throwout bearings also need lubrication. The bearings are treated with a lubricant during their making, but it wears out with time, resulting in difficulties pushing the clutch pedal.

If the clutch pedal is stiff and depressing is interrupted, it could be an indication of faulty throwout bearing. In fact, according to the veterans, it is one of the major symptoms of the problems per se.

Vibration in the Clutch Pedal

If you feel vibrations while depressing the clutch pedal, there might be an indication of a bad throwout bearing system. In fact, vibrations occur when bearing cannot push right against the pressure plate to help disengage while gear shifting.

If you witness vibrations while pushing the clutch pedal, you should immediately have your car checked by a professional who can judge the situation well and find the right solutions.

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The total failure of Clutch function

The total failure of Clutch function
Clutch function failure

The ultimate symptom of bad throwout bearing if you ignore all the symptoms described above could be a complete halt of the clutch function.

This failure is very consequential and results in a big loss of time and money. You cannot drive your car with this failure, and you’ll have to get it repaired from the nearest car shop.

It is really important not to get to this point and look for the symptoms above very diligently so that you may have nothing to repent upon. Regrets are always painful.

Tips To prevent throwout bearing failure

Here is some advice you should heed upon and take care of a few things to not having the problem in the first place.

Maintain Good Care of Clutch System

Maintain Good Care of Clutch System
Maintenance of Clutch System

You need to follow a proper checking and maintaining a routine. Your car is like your body. To keep up the good shape, you need to put in the effort and be vigilant.

You should regularly check your transmission system and look for abnormalities. In this way, you can find and solve the problems pretty quickly without having bigger issues.

Reduce Clutch Depressing Time

Reduce Clutch Depressing Time
Clutch Depressing Time

A good way to avoid faults in the gearing system is to reduce the clutch depressing times. The more you keep clutch in the depressed position, the more pressure it faces, and more chances of it to misfunction arise.

It is important that you minimize clutch usage. Try considering the position when you are waiting for a changing signal on the highway. Instead of keeping in the first gear, you should move down to a neutral position.

Keep Good Driving Habits

Keep Good Driving Habits
Good Driving Habits

The way you treat your car is directly related to the problems you might come across. Rough usage definitely results in rough problems.

You should avoid unnecessary starts and stops, unnecessary gear changes, and driving on your clutch. Put your car in a lower gear when more torque is required so that you don’t damage the system.

A good driver always faces fewer long-term problems because he is always avoiding and looking out for them. A good driver has a keen eye towards the car functioning rather than just driving it.

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Throwout bearing solution

Now, if you are already facing the problem, you have to deal with it. The throwout bearing is located deep inside the gearing system, so replacing it will require extensive labor and skill.

The flywheel assembly has to be totally disassembled in order to get access to the throwout bearings, which could cause many problems.

You have to then put the entire assembly back on after dealing with the issue. We are talking a large amount of expenditure of money and time.

It is better that you refer a professional car mechanic to have this problem solved and don’t rush into it. You should take your time and go slowly about it, let the professionals do the work if you are not into the car maintenance that much.

Replacement Cost

Replacement Cost
Replacement Cost

Throwout bearing is a relatively simple part, so it is not very expensive. An average piece would cost you about 40-110 $.

The problem is the time and effort it is required in order to change the bearing. Your mechanic will spend like 5-7 hours just in changing the throwout bearing. The labor cost could reach up to 600$.

Now when you’re changing the bearing, you’d probably want to have the clutch changed as well. The price of a new clutch goes from 300 to 500$.

Considering all the expenditures, the total amount of money you could be spending on this simple problem would be from 600 to 1500$.

This is a huge amount of money. Now that you know the expenses, you should make sure of choosing the right place to go for parallel with your budget but, at the same time, having a good reputation.

Final Thoughts

We hope that we have given you all the necessary information on the possible symptoms and solutions of a bad throwout bearing system.

You have all the consequences in front of you, so you should avoid facing the problem at all. With the good driving habits and always keeping an eye, it’s highly unlikely that you ever face this issue as most bearings last a long time with adequate care.

Always take the right steps at the right time when driving a car. Vigilant people face much fewer problems. I wish you all the luck in the world!

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